This journal was one transferred over from AOL when they closed their doors and while waiting for the email on how to transfer I had started a new journal so I will continue in that one. For anyone wanting to follow along here is my new link:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
We got our FIRST Egg!
On October 12 Our Izzy Bear laid her first egg! It was a perfect little egg and I do have a picture but have down uploaded it yet. I will later. I have work today at 3 so I'm trying to get all my puter stuff done and than I have to do dishes quick before I leave. Anyway...the next day she laid a soft shelled one (just had the membrane on it) and the inside was perfect. Than today she laid her second perfect egg! I'm SO happy! I can't wait for the others to join in and start laying. Our big hen stopped laying completely now :( So we haven't been getting anymore dark eggs from her.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
OK now that AOL is chasing us out here is my new link for my new/old journal. I had it already back in 2006 for a weight loss journal. And moved here because adding pics was easier and things. SO back I go. They will transfer my stuff I HOPE and they say all pictures will also be transfered. I sure hope so I have a lot of pics and videos that I would like saved here. I just hope all turns out ok with this move.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
When it rains it pours! OVEN
I forgot to add that our oven/stove is not working as of two days ago! UGH! It has been acting up for the past month but we were hoping it would last a few more months. Been eating stuff out of the toaster oven and canned stuff in the microwave. We REALLY miss our home made bread!
Not like we want to fork out the money to replace it. Were trying to figure out a way to pay for our heat the way it is. It's over a grand now to fill our tank. OH man this full time position could not come at a better time!
Not like we want to fork out the money to replace it. Were trying to figure out a way to pay for our heat the way it is. It's over a grand now to fill our tank. OH man this full time position could not come at a better time!
Where and when will I move?
Well, I have decided to follow everyone else and move to blogger. I have an old journal there now and I will be moving all my journals there and than just have the one journal rather than four or five. Well, I'm also going to keep my kitchen journal but that won't be written in every day just when I add a new recipe. It will be easier for me to keep up. I will be sure to send everyone the link here before this site closes it's doors :D
LINDA, Did I tell you I had noticed the back side of your card a day after I actually got it. Oh man, did I laugh! It was about not sending you postage. LOL You are so funny. Thanks again for those!
More news...My boss has asked me to move to full time she said she loves my work and would love to get me on the full time schedule. After talking with Cory, we have decided I was going to take it. The money is very good and I get paid vacations, health care (which I don't need but just in case), paid holidays PLUS if you work them you get your normal pay PLUS time and 1/2 on top of that! Never seen that before! Plus other benefits I can't remember right now. And I work any holiday so that will really be nice. You only get these benefits if you work full time so I decided to do it :D It will be night hours so grandma will only need to watch Nic for 3 hours a night until Cory gets home. And Nic is always over there longer than that anyhow so it fine with her. I just have to figure out what days I want. I will have every Sunday for sure.
Now I have to figure out how to find the time for other things like the chickens, house cleaning, Nic, laundry, cooking, and the yard work. UGH! I may have to hire a house keeper LOL ;) I have really LOVED I said its MUCH harder than the last hotel and more to do but I love the challenge. Well, I better get going for now. We have company coming Friday and I just got home from work so I need to get the house cleaned and laundry done. No more computer time for me today!
LINDA, Did I tell you I had noticed the back side of your card a day after I actually got it. Oh man, did I laugh! It was about not sending you postage. LOL You are so funny. Thanks again for those!
More news...My boss has asked me to move to full time she said she loves my work and would love to get me on the full time schedule. After talking with Cory, we have decided I was going to take it. The money is very good and I get paid vacations, health care (which I don't need but just in case), paid holidays PLUS if you work them you get your normal pay PLUS time and 1/2 on top of that! Never seen that before! Plus other benefits I can't remember right now. And I work any holiday so that will really be nice. You only get these benefits if you work full time so I decided to do it :D It will be night hours so grandma will only need to watch Nic for 3 hours a night until Cory gets home. And Nic is always over there longer than that anyhow so it fine with her. I just have to figure out what days I want. I will have every Sunday for sure.
Now I have to figure out how to find the time for other things like the chickens, house cleaning, Nic, laundry, cooking, and the yard work. UGH! I may have to hire a house keeper LOL ;) I have really LOVED I said its MUCH harder than the last hotel and more to do but I love the challenge. Well, I better get going for now. We have company coming Friday and I just got home from work so I need to get the house cleaned and laundry done. No more computer time for me today!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What my neighbor said...clipping wings to save chickens
Well, I talked with my neighbor yesterday and she felt really bad. These people are great people and their dogs are great dogs and are really friendly but dogs like any other animal have instincts and Zip's instincts took hold of him and he gave chase after the poor babies :( I don't blame him or the neighbors after all I did invite the dog over several times so it's as much my fault as it is theirs. I had to tell Zippy yesterday that I would be chasing him away from now on and that makes me sad but I think it's for the best. They are keeping him (as of right now) but she said she was keeping him tied up. I told her that we could make a deal and I could keep the chickens in till 2pm and she could let Zip run in the morning and I could let my chickens out for the afternoon till dark. I hate for the poor dog to be chained 24/7 when my own dogs get to run free. We are the only close neighbors and between us we have four dogs we have two and she has two. Her other dog is old and grey and could care less about my chickens. My dogs are out by my chickens every day and have never harmed them. Heck they were both in and got after my baby chick and it only had a hurt legs so that's pretty good for a boxer!
She agreed to pay for my shipment of orpington hatching eggs I have in, and any food we have into them. I was happy I didn't have to ask for money from her..she offered :D I have great neighbors and I want to be as fair as possible.
Than we had another problem...NALA (you can see her pic on top of the fence on the last entry)...she keeps flying over our 6 foot fence and getting out. So we had to break down and clip one of her wings last night so she would not be next on the Zippy fun list! We took her in the house, gave her some treats and I slowly put a towel on her head while hubby held her and I clipped her wing. Doesn't hurt them at all. This morning she tried and tried and tried to fly over that fence and could not do it so we succeeded at keeping her least until she molts and grows new back in. One other made it over several days ago once but has not done it again since so we are waiting to see if we have to clip her wings too.
Lastly...NEWS...I start work tomorrow :D I'm happy and excited about it. I have to learn Oprah (the hotel computer systems) so that should be fun. I know some of the other systems but this one I never had a chance to use so I have two weeks of training before I start work. Should be interesting. Well, better get going but first I'm going to copy and paste this beast because I just lost my last entry!
She agreed to pay for my shipment of orpington hatching eggs I have in, and any food we have into them. I was happy I didn't have to ask for money from her..she offered :D I have great neighbors and I want to be as fair as possible.
Than we had another problem...NALA (you can see her pic on top of the fence on the last entry)...she keeps flying over our 6 foot fence and getting out. So we had to break down and clip one of her wings last night so she would not be next on the Zippy fun list! We took her in the house, gave her some treats and I slowly put a towel on her head while hubby held her and I clipped her wing. Doesn't hurt them at all. This morning she tried and tried and tried to fly over that fence and could not do it so we succeeded at keeping her least until she molts and grows new back in. One other made it over several days ago once but has not done it again since so we are waiting to see if we have to clip her wings too.
Lastly...NEWS...I start work tomorrow :D I'm happy and excited about it. I have to learn Oprah (the hotel computer systems) so that should be fun. I know some of the other systems but this one I never had a chance to use so I have two weeks of training before I start work. Should be interesting. Well, better get going but first I'm going to copy and paste this beast because I just lost my last entry!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Feeling better/pic heavy
Well I have not shared pictures here in a while so I have a bunch now that i want to share along with a "SO LONG" to my dead babies. One good thing, a lady that I talk to on a chicken forum I visit is going to send me a dozen Orpington eggs to hatch next week. She has VERY nice orps and it's all I lost. I'm so happy about that. I can fill up my hen house again. I just miss my babies so much. They were addicted to us and SO sweet! I will let you know when the neighbor calls me back and what she said. All I want is to have them replaced so if she would just purchase my hatching eggs for 25 bucks I would be happy. Here we go: OH BTW, I think I'm just going down to ONE journal...can't seem to keep up with having more than that so what I will do is put my chicken stuff at the end for those who would rather not read that than it's at the end and its all good :D I will start that when I move over to blogspot.
Here is the latest one I got of Phoenix who was alone until I found his girl Shelby for him. He was just crying! Poor thing. He's just a baby yet he needs his friends to get by.
This is our main boss Kell Bell and he is turning into a handsome young man don't ya think? He is in mid crow here. He's a sweety!
My blue silkie..I THINK it's a boy. He's only about 8-9 weeks old yet.
Here is Beauty and Beast enjoying some free ranging.
Just look at that sweet face! I love this dog!
Nic goes to school :D He had tons of fun!
The rest of the bantam crew out freeranging. Thank god they were not out when Zip was here killing chickens!
Beast is doing a dance for Beauty but she keeps ignoring him LOL.
Nic being silly...he loves the chickens.
Most of the crew.
Our escape artist! She goes in and out as she pleases.
IN MEMORY: I will miss these girls!!!! :(
LOLA AND LILY (whiter chickens) : Lola has the blue spot on her head. Lily is more light. These girls were SO special to me and Lily was going to be shown next fall :(
BRITNEY (Buff Orp)
And here the three of them are and Britney has her wing over the black ones (Paris and Nicole)...she always did that.
And still MIA is Bell our brown sex link: I sure hope she comes home soon!
Here is the latest one I got of Phoenix who was alone until I found his girl Shelby for him. He was just crying! Poor thing. He's just a baby yet he needs his friends to get by.
This is our main boss Kell Bell and he is turning into a handsome young man don't ya think? He is in mid crow here. He's a sweety!
My blue silkie..I THINK it's a boy. He's only about 8-9 weeks old yet.
Here is Beauty and Beast enjoying some free ranging.
Just look at that sweet face! I love this dog!
Nic goes to school :D He had tons of fun!
The rest of the bantam crew out freeranging. Thank god they were not out when Zip was here killing chickens!
Beast is doing a dance for Beauty but she keeps ignoring him LOL.
Nic being silly...he loves the chickens.
Most of the crew.
Our escape artist! She goes in and out as she pleases.
IN MEMORY: I will miss these girls!!!! :(
LOLA AND LILY (whiter chickens) : Lola has the blue spot on her head. Lily is more light. These girls were SO special to me and Lily was going to be shown next fall :(
BRITNEY (Buff Orp)
And here the three of them are and Britney has her wing over the black ones (Paris and Nicole)...she always did that.
And still MIA is Bell our brown sex link: I sure hope she comes home soon!
Chickens dead! Very heavy heart today :(
Yesterday I left home about 4:30 pm to bring my son to the bus station
so he could go back to school and got home at 5:30 to see my husband
and father outside in the rain. Right away I KNEW that wasn't right.
I get out of the car and right away see a chicken Massacre! My ONLY
three orpingtons I had DEAD! Well, the buff was still partially alive
and my husband had to dispatch her
One Brown sex link still missing. My baby polish was missing but I
stayed out in the rain for hours looking for her and finally found
her! It was dark and I heard her cheep and recognized it right away.
When she heard and seen me she come running to me. I tucked her under
my jacket and took her home. She was ok but soaked so I put the heat
lamp on in the coop for them to all dry out. Oh it was SO sad to
see. My splash orps I had so desperately wanted were getting so
beautiful and now I have none. I asked what happened and my dad said
it was the neighbors dog. UGH! Thank god my dad is outside pretty much
all the time and he was able to stop him before he killed more! I love
my neighbors and I loved that dog...he really is such a good dog. I'm
very happy he was gone when I got there or I don't know what I would
have done out of anger. I had time to sit and think and I didn't call
the neighbors yesterday as I was WAY TOO angry and I don't want to
loose the closeness we have with them at all so I'm calling them in a
bit here now that I'm calm and had time to think it over. She is a
very reasonable person and I know she will pay for the losses. She
may even get rid of the dog. It was a stray they took in who was found
on the road and he keeps getting off his chain when they are at work.
It's nobody's fault really...they do a great job at keeping the dogs
home most of the time. And I did always allow the dog in our home when
he wanted to come play with out boxer..he would actually "paw" at the
door for Max to come out and run with him. So it's as much my fault as
theirs. And of course it's a dogs instinct to give chase to things
like that. None were bleeding at all they were all internal injuries
You can be SURE that the dog will NO LONGER be allowed here!
The three chickens that died had "cliques" they hung with. The four newest ones I had just added were the splashes (the two that were killed) and the polish and the Golden Phoenix male who are both still alive and I'm just so happy they have each other but they are calling for their Lily and Lola
Poor things! And then what will Paris and Nicole do without their buff orp Britney
They were together since hatch and where you would see one the other two were always near by. I am just SOO sad today!

To top this my little boy was sick all night and had a high fever and throwing up :( I got NO sleep at all last night.
Sorry this got so long...just had to talk about it
The three chickens that died had "cliques" they hung with. The four newest ones I had just added were the splashes (the two that were killed) and the polish and the Golden Phoenix male who are both still alive and I'm just so happy they have each other but they are calling for their Lily and Lola
To top this my little boy was sick all night and had a high fever and throwing up :( I got NO sleep at all last night.
Sorry this got so long...just had to talk about it
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