Monday, October 6, 2008

Chickens dead! Very heavy heart today :(

Yesterday I left home about 4:30 pm to bring my son to the bus station so he could go back to school and got home at 5:30 to see my husband and father outside in the rain.  Right away I KNEW that wasn't right.  I get out of the car and right away see a chicken Massacre!  My ONLY three orpingtons I had DEAD!  Well, the buff was still partially alive and my husband had to dispatch her sad  One Brown sex link still missing. My baby polish was missing but I stayed out in the rain for hours looking for her and finally found her!  It was dark and I heard her cheep and recognized it right away.  When she heard and seen me she come running to me.  I tucked her under my jacket and took her home.  She was ok but soaked so I put the heat lamp on in the coop for them to all dry out.   Oh it was SO sad to see.  My splash orps I had so desperately wanted were getting so beautiful and now I have none.  I asked what happened and my dad said it was the neighbors dog.  UGH! Thank god my dad is outside pretty much all the time and he was able to stop him before he killed more!  I love my neighbors and I loved that dog...he really is such a good dog.  I'm very happy he was gone when I got there or I don't know what I would have done out of anger.  I had time to sit and think and I didn't call the neighbors yesterday as I was WAY TOO angry and I don't want to loose the closeness we have with them at all so I'm calling them in a bit here now that I'm calm and had time to think it over.  She is a very reasonable person and I know she will pay for the losses.   She may even get rid of the dog. It was a stray they took in who was found on the road and he keeps getting off his chain when they are at work.  It's nobody's fault really...they do a great job at keeping the dogs home most of the time. And I did always allow the dog in our home when he wanted to come play with out boxer..he would actually "paw" at the door for Max to come out and run with him.  So it's as much my fault as theirs.   And of course it's a dogs instinct to give chase to things like that.  None were bleeding at all they were all internal injuries sad   You can be SURE that the dog will NO LONGER be allowed here! 

The three chickens that died had "cliques" they hung with.  The four newest ones I had just added were the splashes (the two that were killed)  and the polish and the Golden Phoenix male who are both still alive and I'm just so happy they have each other but they are calling for their Lily and Lola sad  Poor things!  And then what will Paris and Nicole do without their buff orp Britney sad   They were together since hatch and where you would see one the other two were always near by.  I am just SOO sad today!  hit hit hit hit

To top this my little boy was sick all night and had a high fever and throwing up :(  I got NO sleep at all last night. 

Sorry this got so long...just had to talk about it sad


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this has happened. You are right, if a dog is around it will chase living things. They may have to put up a fence instead of tying the dog out. I am glad that your Dad stopped him when he did. I hope your son gets to feeling better soon. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Oh Carrie....Oh my heart just aches for you. I am so sorry, bless those little babies hearts, I hope they didn't suffer very long. I will pray for your relationship with your neighbor......I'm just so sorry this happened to you.

Healing Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

How awful!  I am so sorry to hear this happened ~ sending you hugs today.  What a terrible thing to have to deal with.  I remember when our chickens used to free range and owl got a couple of them and we found parts of them strewn about the meadows - it was just a terrible, terrible feeling.  
My new address is:

Anonymous said...

oh carrie im so sorry you had to find that mess .i hope the boys will find new mates and the girls also make new friends.i know those babys are your heart and soul like they are for kelly...i also hope your son is feeling better today God bless evryone ,love Sue