Wednesday, April 23, 2008

30 more days!

30 more days...until my chicks get here from Ideal poultry.  That's still a month away!  lol  It seems like the days are just slowly ticking by.  Maybe I need to find something else to keep me CLEANING MY HOUSE! lol    Ok, well the news today is that hubby said NO to an incubator *CRYING MY EYES OUT*  Oh I really wanted one but he says if I can't get the cheap one I'm not getting one. Well I refuse to get a cheap one because there is only a 50 percent hatch rate in them.  I'm not going to waste 50 percent of my eggs for no good reason.  We could be eating those LOL.  So until I can figure a way to make some money ($157.00) *rummage sale signs flash in front of me* I am not getting my bator :(  I can look for things to sell on Ebay maybe. lol 

Thanks it for today's rant......


Anonymous said...

I hope you can find a way to get the one you want. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hey which incubator did you end up getting? Send me a pic okay?