I also learned something about eggs today! Did you know that if you have farm fresh eggs (DO NOT WASH THEM) that you can leave them on your counter for up to six weeks!!! They taste better if they are not refrigerated before you eat them! With us that's not going to be a problem because we will eat them within the week we collect them and just sell the others. You DO have to refrigerate any that you are planning on selling tho. So we are planning on doing this and see what the taste difference is. I am learning SO much about chickens this month! :)
Please people do NOT leave your store eggs on the counter tho! They have already been pre-washed and I don't think it would be a good idea! There is a coating on the egg (Bloom) and if that is washed off you could get all sorts of bacteria in your egg...am I right Kelly??? LOL
It's tuesday and it's STILL April lol...and I sure hope my incubator will be here Friday or Saturday so I can plug it in and read the directions and get it warmed up a day before kelly's eggs get here. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
I had read about the time table for fresh eggs a couple of years ago and sent it to my DIL who grows has her own chickens for eggs. I hope the eggs from Kelly arrive at your home without any breakage. Helen
I am getting more excited as you do. We may have to take a drive to see you and the chicks this summer as the girls would LOVE this... of course I may not get them to come home...
That is so awesome that you are now: Carrie....certified chick!! <hehehe>
I'm excited just by being part of this as you do it, your enthusiasm is so contagious :)
That is interesting about leaving the eggs on the counter....will you be nervous though? Like, you know & believe it is is safe, but still.....all these years you've done it another way to stay safe. Mental stuff!!!! :) Hey, I have a question about the eggs that were in your other entry (I think that's where i saw them). Why are they different colors? Do they come out that way, or change? And....do they bleach the ones we eat so they are always so white???? Look at my bad self being all brainy and asking chicken questions!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!
Pooh Hugs,
It is a fact that there is a coating on there...but...some eggs are just going to get poop or mud or something on them. Some will tell you not to wash them. I prefer to wash mine. I use an antibacterial mild dish soap. Usually Dawn. I use a clean dishcloth and put a dab of the soap on the tip, wet the cloth and wash them and rinse them. This shortens the life of the egg...to about a month. BUT, did you know, that store eggs can be up to six months old and still be considered Grade A? Go to motherearthnews.com and check out their egg section. If an egg has some stuck on dirt I get a container and put a small blob of dish liquid in there and put some lukewarm water in there and swish it around, place the eggs in there for about a minute to loosen the dirt and it comes right off. If any of them are stained from the dirt or poo I usually will throw them away as that in my mind it has gone through the eggshell. I have never gotten sick or had any customers getting sick from washing eggs. If you want to I know there is an actual egg washing solution you can buy if you would feel more comfortable with that. I am rambling on and on...lol...hugs, Kelly
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