Friday, April 25, 2008


I'm ordering it today...right after this entry actually!  WHOO HOO!  Hopefully I will have eggs to put in it now!  Kelly if your willing to sell some of your eggs let me know!  Either that or I will have some from our chicken lady...just not sure what I would end up with ya know.  LOL I seen she had a Barred Rock male and some big black male with some greenish feathers.  When I went to pick up eggs today at her house I seen them all out free ranging and so I called from my van window..."Here chick, chick, chick"  Well kind of freaky when you have 25 or more chickens come running at your van LOL!  Nic loved it!    So did I to tell ya the truth.  I was talking to the Barred Rock "Boss" and he was really listening with his head cocked.  It was so cute...but he kept cock-a-doodle doing at me the whole time.  I remember her telling me that one of her males were mean and would attack people so I cautiously got out of my van and nothing happened...they stayed their distance from me but they followed me up the stairs even.  Here I am carrying 5 doz eggs hoping I didn't step on a chicken!

Well, I will update when I get my incubator in the mail. I did contact a person who sells Pure Auraucana chicks not the EE (Easter eggers) version of them...I may be hatching some of those out ;)  He said they are hard to hatch out tho and that I should try something different for my first hatch. 


Anonymous said...

Now you will have something to do that will be enjoyable. Not only to you but the whole family. Helen

Anonymous said...

Oh, your going to have a blast!!  I wish I could have chickens on my one little acre but no way.  You can do other kinds of eggs also, my daddy did Ginnies.  I think that is right, they eat fleas, ticks, bugs out of your yard.  Then one of his dairy friends gave him peacock eggs!!  We had peacocks and penhens running all over our dairy, these birds are the best watch dogs.  Friends wouldn't get out of their trucks until daddy came out of the house to welcome them.  


Anonymous said...

All caught up with your chickens!! You are too cute with all of this.....too durn cute!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Wonder why they are hard to hatch out? Araucanas are hard to come by. Did he say why the hatch rate is so low? Curious about that. Eggies are being collected as I type this. ;)

Anonymous said...

we had chickens and ducks and geese and rabbits growing up:) i love this journal


Anonymous said...

You're making me want to sell my house, move out in the country and have a small farm!