Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ok folks...I don't remember if I mentioned before that we get our farm fresh eggs from a lady near us?  Well, If I did then you know that I was considering putting the eggs in a bator and hatching them out!  The question was...were they fertile!?  Well LOOK!  See the white bullseye shape towards the top of the yolk?  THEY ARE FERTILE!   This was an Ameraucana egg (easter egger as some call them). This excites me! 

I want to run to get a incubator now so Friday when we pick up our eggs I can put them in there :)  Both eggs I cracked of the Ameraucana's were indeed fertile.  Some of the brown ones we got (I have no clue what chicken they came from) were not.  I know she had the barred rock so maybe they were hers.  I can't wait for hubby to come home so I can TRY to talk him into going and getting one!  LOL  Stay tuned!  I may have baby chicks a few days sooner then planned ;)  I would like to start them close to the first so I can hatch them out about the same time we get ours that I ordered in the mail. HOW can I be this hooked on chicken already ??? LOL 

BTW...YES I DID EAT IT FOR LUNCH!  UGH!!  It tasted lovely though lol 


Anonymous said...

Now I may never eat an egg again!  Poor little chicks.  I think you should hatch your own chicks.  How fun that will be.

Anonymous said...

Watch out hubby, here comes another chicken lady LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

that is exciting.  you know that just amazes me!!! I think I want me some chicks now.  LOL  God is awesome !!!  Amazing that a egg can turn into a chicken.  WOW..  LOL  I sound like a kid...  hee hee..

Anonymous said...

If you get an incubator, you know...I can ship eggs for you to hatch if you want some from some of my breeds of chicken. The ones I am getting right now regularly are the Serama (bantams) and the Sultans. (Remember Rod? He is a sultan) The other eggs from out there could be anything, any mix of who knows what. I do see the Phoenix only mating Phoenix. I am just now getting a few eggs from the Golden Phoenix trio. They are in a pen, so I know they are pure. Let me know, be happy to add to your collectin. :)  Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

My parents had chickens, it is amazing how different farm fresh eggs are compared to the grocery store eggs.  The yolk is much more yellow with a better flavor.  Most people never even taste a farm fresh egg!

Love the new journal with the peeps!  
