Sunday, April 20, 2008

Welcome to: Hanin Wit My Peeps!

This is all about my chickens!  I do have a "normal" journal  and if you let me know I can add you to it. It's private at this time.

Here I am raising 11 hens and one rooster.  I have NEVER tried this before and to tell you the truth I'm not scared or worried I can't do it.  I feel I have enough knowledge now to do what needs to be done when raising chickens. 

My Hero and inspiration when it comes to chickens....The Chicken Chronicles. . Kelly  has been there to answer all my questions...she has been raising chickens for over 5  years so I trust her expertise!  Her journal is a must read if you like chickens!

There are so many reasons to raise chickens!  I will post more entries with Pros/Cons later on this week. 

We will not recieve our chickens until May 23 of 2008 and I can tell's going to seem like forever!  I am so very excited!  I have a brooder box made already.  Pictures to follow in another entry!  And we have purchased everything we need to get them started.   Our next project...building the coop and the run.  Watch for more details on that as the month goes by. 


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you decided to do this.....and I can't wait to follow your babies as they grow and give ya'll some breakfast :) The name is a classic too, best name EVAH!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Not long at all until next Wed. than we can see some pictures. Helen

Anonymous said...

good luck with your new adventure; sounds like a fun one!


Anonymous said...

This is going to be a great journal.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the stories!!  LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie, now this is going to be a great journal for me to read...right up my alley! ;) Tell hubby you cant wait til May, get a bator, will send you some eggs to hatch. ;)

Anonymous said...

LOOK AT YOU... the things you get into while I'm away. Can't wait to see your new babies wish I was closer to see first hand. Heck, I have one journal and can't manage to keep it up. Good luck. Kyan and I will be waiting for some videos.
Take care, Chrissie