Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What my neighbor said...clipping wings to save chickens

Well, I talked with my neighbor yesterday and she felt really bad.  These people are great people and their dogs are great dogs and are really friendly but dogs like any other animal have instincts and Zip's instincts took hold of him and he gave chase after the poor babies :(  I don't blame him or the neighbors after all I did invite the dog over several times so it's as much my fault as it is theirs.  I had to tell Zippy yesterday that I would be chasing him away from now on and that makes me sad but I think it's for the best.  They are keeping him (as of right now) but she said she was keeping him tied up.  I told her that we could make a deal and I could keep the chickens in till 2pm and she could let Zip run in the morning and I could let my chickens out for the afternoon till dark.  I hate for the poor dog to be chained 24/7 when my own dogs get to run free.  We are the only close neighbors and between us we have four dogs we have two and she has two.  Her other dog is old and grey and could care less about my chickens.  My dogs are out by my chickens every day and have never harmed them.  Heck they were both in and got after my baby chick and it only had a hurt legs so that's pretty good for a boxer!  
She agreed to pay for my shipment of orpington hatching eggs  I have in, and any food we have into them.  I was happy I didn't have to ask for money from her..she offered :D  I have great neighbors and I want to be as fair as possible. 

Than we had another problem...NALA (you can see her pic on top of the fence on the last entry)...she keeps flying over our 6 foot fence and getting out.  So we had to break down and clip one of her wings last night so she would not be next on the Zippy fun list!  We took her in the house, gave her some treats and I slowly put a towel on her head while hubby held her and I clipped her wing.  Doesn't hurt them at all.  This morning she tried and tried and tried to fly over that fence and could not do it so we succeeded at keeping her in...at least until she molts and grows new back in.  One other made it over several days ago once but has not done it again since so we are waiting to see if we have to clip her wings too. 

Lastly...NEWS...I start work tomorrow :D  I'm happy and excited about it.  I have to learn Oprah (the hotel computer systems) so that should be fun.  I know some of the other systems but this one I never had a chance to use so I have two weeks of training before I start work.  Should be interesting.  Well, better get going but first I'm going to copy and paste this beast because I just lost my last entry! 


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your neighbor was cool about he whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Glad everything worked out good with the neighbor. Sorry you had to cut the wings but it was for safety :-( . I didn't know you were getting a job heck don't you do enough now or are the grandparents taking that over?
Take care, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your babies and am happy that your neighbor stepped up did the right thing. I hope that all works itself out.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your neighbor was so nice about your chickens....I hope things settle down now. Carrie, what are you going to do with your journals....are you moving to Blogger? I don't want to lose touch with you.

Love & Pooh Hugs,