Here is Beauty...she is just beautiful! And I think she will get better...she is 5-6 months old now and I KNOW she will be nice to her boyfriend soon :D
And here are my silkies! I finally got silkies! :D
I have a dark blue and three white/splash
And here is what the other hens think of the silkies: On the top row we have (from left to right) Olivia, Violet, Zoe, Bell and Nala and on the bottom row we have Izzy, and Lacey. If we are in the garage they will always come in there and spend time with us.
And here is what we seeing in our garage a few days ago! I forgot to post these. This bigger snake was carring a small snake. UGH They left VERY fast out of my garage. They only eat no worry for the chickens at least.