This is the first pics...just a day old.
Here he is a few days later...not that big of a difference yet and he still has that piece of egg shell on his head. lol I try to take it off and he cries. I'm leaving it on! Poor baby!
Ok the lump on his head is normal for polish so for those of you who don't know that....that is normal. And it kind of looks like the head is split there on top...I thought that too until I looked closer. It's just a line of egg goo stuck along with the egg shell. I'm not touching the poor will grow out with the feathers lol He cried every time I try to clean him up.
Ok I have a video but first I want to share a really cute story with you. I went out to close up the chicken coop and say good night like I always do to my babies outside. Well, it was way past time when they usually head into the coop and I looked out the window and seen Steele (my cochin rooster) walking around outside yet (I let them out to free range from 3-bedtime) so I went out there and came around the garage door to see he was now inside the run. I called to him and said "Oh Steele are you waiting for mama to come put you up on the roost?" See...he still can't jump up there and expets our help yet... He just spun around when he heard me and come running that funny cochin run/waddle and runs right to me. He stops right in front of me and allows me to pick him up without any fuss at all! He is such a SWEET HEART! I love him to death! He is my favorite out of all my chickens :D I hugged and kissed him on the way to the coop and he was happy to get up there with the others. I had to do some moving around too...the big girls always try to peck on the three little ones at bed time (Britney, Paris and Nicole) so I put Steele right next to the babies (who insist now to be up on the top roost with the big girls) cuz he is SO nice to them and never once pecked at them even when they first got in the coop. So now every one of them will get up there and squeeze together on the top roost and the bottom roost is empty. The three will hang out with the two cochins a lot when they are loose because they don't get bossed around. OK here is a little movie of the baby's...the first part is the day after he hatched and the second part is a few days after next to his buddy. I keep them seperate for now since he is SO small yet compared to the other one. In a week I think I will be able to add them together.
It is so cute. I didn't see it's cuddle toy like you and Kelly usually use with newly hatched babies. I wondered if that was why it was peeping so loud, like it was lost. Not meaning to be critical, just wondered. Helen
Thank for posting the baby. :) Hey dont forget to put a little soft stuffed animals in there to snuggle so it wont cry and be lonely! Poor little one, with the egg shell on its head! LOL. Maybe if you take a damp paper towel and work it out by wetting it a little. Well I am just so happy to see this baby. Seeing this baby makes me want to hatch more of Cocos now. :) Love ya, Kelly
Awww another sweetie. Poor thing with the eggshell it had it hard getting here.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
Awwwhh what a little sweetheart. I think you should let it sleep with you because it is all alone, what's a little chicky poop in your bed? :) it made me a little sad to see it peeping all by it's baby self....poor thing.
Love & Pooh Hugs,
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