Another thing I wanted to plans for the chickens I have in my brooder boxes in the house. Well, I have four D'uccle's in one brooder (the nice brooder) and they are about two months off from laying age. I will sell the eggs on BYC as pet quality d'uccles. Then I have the two orps, one polish and one phoenix in another brooder. I want to put the 2 orps and the phoenix out in the hen house but I do not want to put the polish out there for fear the hens will pick her crest. Don't want that picked out! SO here is my prob. Shelby (the polish) will be alone. I am thinking of putting the chick that is alone in with her but will she pick on the chick? The chick seems to have a pretty big personality so they may be ok. All I can do is try. I was not planning on keeping the chick but I just may now...I think it's a hen. Kelly is now out by the big hens and liking least for now. He has to come in this winter.
We have to have the mini bantam coop done before winter becasue I have plans to pick up some show silkies and show bantam cochins on October 4th who will all go in the bantam coop. Along with the d'uccles I THINK! I kind of want to keep them in the house :D I am so hooked on having them in here. AND I can watch for their eggs easier and keep them healthy for a very long time *fingers crossed* SO here is what may happen.....
Hens plus the 2 orps, phoenix out in the big hen house. Polish and baby in small pen until I can get bantam coop done. D'uccles stay where they are. Kelly will go in another small coop for winter in the house.
Silkies and bantam cochins in bantam coop with Polish. Either sell the little hen or move her to the big house.
Whew! Lots of stuff to figure out here! OH here is a cute pic of Kelly (Kel-Bell) and Steele (giant cochin) in the background we have my only laying hen for now Angel to the left..she is a welsummer hen and to the right is my buff brahma Zoe who is 15 weeks now. Soon the big girls will be laying too. About a month to go before they lay.
Happy Anniversary.....21 years is a long time, congratulations :) I love reading about your excitement for your are so adorable!
Pooh Hugs,
Happy Anniversary to the two of you. I hope Nick will get well soon. Helen
Happy Anniversary!
He is just a DOLL! I know he is loving being around the big gals. They think they are big roosters! LOL love, Kelly
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