OK, so now I have some pictures and a funny Max video for you...that I will post in the next entry as it's taking forever to upload.
First, here is the NEW baby we picked up for our only polish egg we have left. IF it's a girl she will have a happy loving home here with us. If not then we will find him a good home. I can't keep anymore boys :( We have not found a name for her/him yet. Any ideas? It is a barred rock BUT I wonder if there is some sort of frizzle going on? The new feathers coming in look all ruffled up and seem to be growing upwards.
Kelly, here is Phoenix...look boyish to you? He's 5 weeks old here.
And I threw in some fun Serama ones for ya. Here is Kelly who is now 12 weeks old :) He is SO cute and so funny. And such a good hubby to his girls. He finds them food ALL the time and lets them eat first. He is even being a good boy to the D'uccle male now :D I'm so proud of him. He dances alot too ;) He's tried for action with the girls but they are just not having it! LOL
Ok...now we have a couple of my Mille Fleur D'uccle group. I just took one of the girls pictures...they pretty much all look the same. This girl is named Tinker Bell. The boy is Peter. The other girls are Wendy and Mary. See where I'm going with this LOL.
"Tink" She is just a doll isn't she! Kelly, when these guys start laying if you want some eggs just let me know. I owe you!
Here is my very cute and lovable Polish girl who is now 5 weeks old. She is now the first one to run to me for my attention out of the young ones. Here is Shelby: Kelly, any clue if it's a boy or girl?? I don't know how to tell with Polish yet!
And last but not least...here is Max. Is this meant to be a dog toy!???? Be sure to watch the video I'm going to post here in a bit...as soon as it gets done uploading that is!
All of you chicks are so cute and have really grown quickly. Max looks cute with his stool or whatever it is. Helen
I never thought of chicks being cute until you got yours! Max is cutie too.
The chicks have grown and cute as ever.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
The chicks have grown so much, I can hardly believe it!!! I'm still praying for your little hatch....I hope it will be okay.
Love & Pooh Hugs,
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