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WOW WOW, do I have a lot to share tonight! First of all we will start with what happened first. At the end of this entry is a video of Kelly crowing! YES, I got it! It was 1am but I got it!
Well, of course it's up bright and early to let the girls out into their run, feed water everyone and then we load up our four pullets and one roo (at least we hope it's a roo) and were off to do our trading. We did other things in between but this is a chicken journal so I share pure chicken stuff here ;)
We get to Wendy's (our egg lady) at about 4pm. She loved our chickens, we loved her done, and off on the road again. We had to stop and get layer pellets for the hens because all I had was medicated starter food. I have oyster shells already. Then we stopped at Menards and blockbuster and it was off for home. We had lots of stoppers checking our out hens while we waited for cory at Menards. Nic and I pet the hens and talked to them. They are very nice and have not pecked at anyone but the dogs...they deserved it! They are least they seem to be. I can't wait to get them in the bigger house tho. We are planning on letting them out to forage in the grass Sunday. Saturday we have the family reunion and will be gone all day. My dads staying to look after them. Here are my two new Welsummer hens!
AND Teddy Bear: She has a little bare back from being over matted by her roo boy friend but in no time she will be as good as new. I bet she will enjoy the break! LOL Wendy said the other was just a faster runner!
Aren't they just beauty's!? I love them!
OK so onward! When we got home we ate dinner and then at 6:30pm we decided that it had been four weeks ago that we put the girls in the hen house,and two since they were in the run. Which means that they can begin free range! So even tho we don't have a fenced in yard we thought we would just try it! We sat out there the entire time with them and they LOVED it! Here are some pics of that!
Violet: Our salmon Faverolle
My FIL just dug up some huge rocks here so thats why the ground has NO
grass. The chickens love it. Prob full of nice big bugs that were dug
Izzy: Our Red Sex Link
Olivia, Izzy, Lacey: Barred Rock, Red sex link, silver laced wyandotte
And now the greatest surprise! LOOK what I found when I went to check on the new girls we just got today :) Angel laid this at 9:30 PM! I was shocked! I guess they are not under TOO much stress :)
One last picture I wanted to share. My dad and our Boxer 'Max'. He thinks he's a lap dog! He's almost as big as my dad! He just turned a year old...SWEET dog tho! He sure does entertain us!
OK now for some fun video! Check out Kelly's crow! And after that our FIRST time free ranging our flock. OH was I scared something would come grab them! We don't have a fenced yard so I was nervous! We just love our chickens! I even think my dad loves them ;) He is always watching them and he sat there with us and watched them forage in the grass.
SO I hope you enjoy the starts with Kelly crowing, then our new breeder box we made...we are using it for the two hens we just got to quarantine them for three weeks before we add them to the crew outside. Then we got to the free ranging :) They loved it! I think you can tell by the video that were just a little protective of our flock! Can't wait to add the two hens!
OMGOSH it is so cute! I heard it loud and, clear...not so much! lol He was trying last week already but just made a tiny little sound...that I wasn't even SURE was a try but oh is he a cutie! He makes the three sounds in a row now. I am trying to get a video of it...just TO cute. When he does it the others look at him like he's nuts. It seems tho, that he only likes crowing through the night and NOT in the day time. I was down there trying to get a video of it and he doesn't do it! LOL My dad said he got up at 5am to use the bathroom and he heard him crowing away lol I went down at 1am and that's when I heard him at least 5 times he did it. I wish I would have thought to get the camera then. I love crowing! I WILL get it on video it's just a matter of time. Stay tuned!
Well the lady emailed me back and she was VERY nice about it and assured me that her rooster was indeed a Blue Orp and his comb only looked like a rose comb because it had gotten frost bite this last winter and was frozen off :( So that's a relief (for me anyhow...not the rooster)...and she assured me that there was no other male that could of gotten to her hen so I can't have a mixed breed :) And did tell me that she would offer me a refund if I was not happy with their coloring later on. I figured if she was trying to get away with something she wouldn't have offered me a refund because I was totally happy with her explanation in the beginning. SO I DO have pure orps. Now the fun part is watching them grow and feather. She said it looks like I may have 2 black, 3 splash, and one blue! My initial thought was 2 of each. I HOPE that blue is a girl! AND I hope one splash is a girl. Thats what I wanted. I didn't need any blacks so they will be sold. You can see new pics of them in the previous email...they are just dolls! So I'm a happy relieved camper :)