The six Orps are looking in on him...he is a lot smaller then they are so I hope they are all ok when I put them togther!
Today he is still doing awesome...I have added food and water now and he was eating but still does not get the water thing...I'm sure he will drink when he's ready. I will spend time tonight trying again to get him to drink again.
Below is my Polish (White Crested Black) on the right of the the left is a Sumatra (I'm hatching the sumatra for a guy on BYC). Very cute! Just hatched bout an hour ago and the sumatra moments after.
My middle crew is doing great and growing fast! Kelly look at that comb on the Serama! He is such a nice boy now! We love him! At first he was a little mean but now he's lightened up. He NEVER pecks at me anymore. This brooder is getting a tad bit small for this crew and they are starting to argue a little more. This next week we will be re homing 5 so that will make more room. All the roos except kelly are going and then after that we will be putting 3 or 4 pullets out with the big girls. That will leave two D'uccle girls and Kelly to have the Serama house. Unfortunately none of the Serama's Kelly sent made it :( They all died in egg. SO looks like Kelly will get 2 D'uccle girls!
That baby sitting on the bear is so cute. Helen
I love the picture of the baby chick on the bear! Have a good week coming up.
That blue chick is a seeing your pics! XO
Kelly is looking so pretty! It looks like he is going to end up looking like Speckles! I love this throw back that is in the C Serama genes. I have gotten two like this, I have a girl that looks like that too. These come out of the blacks and browns too. So unusual. I am sorry about the eggs not making it. We will try again next Spring if you want to. My B girls arent laying at all right now. One of the Cs has gone broody and she is sitting on a few eggs. Tell me about the silver laced polish in email when you get time. I didnt see that one yet, is it okay? I know what you mean about the squabbling. When they start that I know they are ready to go outside! Hugs, kelly
OMG, that is soooooooo cute with him laying on the little bear and the others looking in at him!!!
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