In the picture below you can see a bit of red where the waddles will be.
Here you can see the red in the comb
Here is another one I think is male:
And the female is below:
No red at all in the comb or waddle area...sorry this one is blurry...she was moving around a lot. Hope this helps! :D
They are just too cute! Too bad you ended up with three males and only one female. You seem to be able to find homes for the extra boys though, something I am not real good at. ;) Sorry I have been absent since like Thursday. Busy days with company and then cleaning up and recooping from everything has taken up some time. Hugs, Kelly
Oh gosh they are sooooo cute!! And what a fancy name they have...I had a hard time trying to say it! LOL.
They're so cute.
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