A few in the middle brooder are fighting, not real bad but I see some marks on the combs...Kelly seems to be taking the brunt of it. And the smaller male D'uccle too. what's happening is the bigger D'uccle male is picking on Kelly and Kelly is picking on the smaller male d'uccle! LOL At least that's my theory. No one fights or anything when i'm there. I sat and watched them an hour so I could see if anyone fought but everyone was good. The reason I think that the bigger D'uccle is the "head roo" is because his comb looks perfect! And I did witness Kelly pulling someones head...I thought it was a girl but maybe it was the small roo. The little babies are doing wonderful and growing nicely. THEY all love each other ;) There is only 8 in that brooder tho and they are still very tiny! Only a week-to two old.
Ok enough talk, time for some pictures!
Here is my guy Kelly (my indoor chicken Serama)he's getting pretty big but still the other babies outgrow him in three weeks time lol. He has been moved once to the younger chicks...now we may have to separate him again because the hens are getting way to big for him.
Here is an example...the black australorp girl is 2 week younger then kelly but quite a bit bigger already. We try to let them out every day so they can stretch their wings a bit...the don't go anywhere just roost on the edge of the cage. It's funny when 7 are up there.
Her is my top roo...Harry Look how nice HIS comb is. He is VERY nice to us. No pecking at all with us.
Nic loves feeding them and they LOVE eating ;)
He says it tickles...as they pull skin on his hand! LOL
We love taking Kelly out. Can't wait to get a hold of one of those diapers for chickens!
Now he has Ebony out our black australorp pullet
Here is MY baby! OH I love this little cute chick! Haven't named it yet...gotta think of the perfect name. It's my black crested white polish
And my other favorite Shelby not sure if it's a he or a she...i'm THINKING a he but we will find out. This is the only lonley one that hatched out from the eggs kelly sent to me. A golden Phoenix
That's it for today :) Hope you enjoyed seeing my babies today.
They are all downright pretty. I really like Kelly's coloring and the last two babies are precious. I really like Shelby. I used to have little bantam chickens and loved the brown stripped ones like that one is. Good luck with the two layers. Just think next spring all your pullets will be laying. Helen
They are so adorable. I'd want them in the house with me as pets! LOL
You mean White crested black polish? ;) I would like to get my hands on some of those reverse polish myself. With the black heads and white bodies. Nic is going to remember this summer for a long time to come, he looks like he is having so much fun with those babies. Everyone looks so wonderful. I am so proud of you, you already knew about quarantining. I am not really surprised though, you have made sure you know a lot about chickens. :) Love ya, Kelly
Great pics and they are all so healthy & gorgeous...you should be a proud chicken mama!!! :)
I love the little ones, awww, they are just so dear. I think it is great how Nic handles them, seems to be so gentle with them. You are raising a fine young man and he will learn young to respect animals and treat them with care. Hats off to you!!!
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