Here is why I think I have a boy and a girl from the eggs I hatched out from Kelly:
Here is Steele my cockerel.
Just look at those bright red waddles! That is going to be one beautiful boy! A note too...this boy was the one that hatched out looking more blue then the girls did. Kelly, do you find that to be true when you hatch out cochins?
And here is Baby Cakes my Pullet girl.
NO waddles at all...or if there is you can barely see them. What a team these two are and I was very lucky to pick one of each!~ I will be keeping both of these cuties...and they are both VERY nice. I will be getting rid of Addison tho who I got from Ideal. I only one one and I would like it to be the giant breed. Addy is a standard sized.
She is also starting to get some of that very beautiful green looking plumage too :) (below)
Update on the finished fence. Didn't they do a great job!? I LOVE my new door and look at Max all frustrated because he can't get in anymore.
That is just a wonderful coop. I used to use the welded wire for my first pens but it started coming apart, especially when DOGS came in and tried to tear them up. Since then I have the big fence around the back of the property. I did buy the welded coated wire for those two grow pens I showed you, it seems to be holding up great. You have a perfect coop and house for them, I know they have every comfort thanks to you. :) Hugs, Kelly
PS forgot to answer the question about the colors. Yep, I do find that some are lighter looking at first. I guess if they were a blue it would be much lighter than what we have been seeing. Kelly
I love the face in the first picture, he is gorgeous and he looks smart. Your pen looks great too.
Girl, your really getting into to this! What fun for you and your family. I love the pen the family did a wonderful job.
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