Monday, August 18, 2008

Still here ;)

But the good news is we have a hatch! My polish hatched at 1:03 AM I will take pics tomorrow...just want to check to make sure she/he is ok and then I'm off to bed...have dentist at 9am tomorrow!  After I get home I will take pictures and post them.  I'm happy! 


Anonymous said...

Well good for that baby. I hope you get some sleep before it's time to get up. You have been very patient waiting on this baby. Helen

Anonymous said...

Well that is great news. Now go get some rest. We're over here waiting on a real baby my son's best friends are at the hospital right now.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

You are one crazy chick!  Get it, chick! LOL
I hope when you get back from the dentist you take a nap.