Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Video for you :)

I should be posting this in my reg journal but had to share it with my readers here's just so cute.

Ok this is our Boxer Max and he has been playing with sit and spins for as long as I can remember!  LOL  He loves those things.  I'm not so sure what he expects FROM the sit and spin but I know he loves watching it go round and round and he wants it to KEEP going round and round and if it doesn't this is what he does to it : BTW...if you didn't see my last entry...check that out! 



Anonymous said...

That is so funny. That sure is a lot of entertainment for him. It looks as if he just gave himself out with all that work LOL. Helen

Anonymous said...

That's so funny!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny !!! I like when all else fails he just picks it up and turns himself around.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOLOL! I was cracking up watching this....and Abby was watching with me and cocking her head every time he would dig at it!!! Fun stuff :)

Pooh Hugs,