Thursday, August 28, 2008

We had a hawk visit! Another video

I know I said I would only post one video...But I forgot to tell you about the hawk visit we had.   It was a fairly big one too.  The chickens took off under the tree...well all but three of them. lol Kelly was one who stood there and gave warning...the other two were the female cochin and my bossy barred rock.  Not even a flinch from the three of them.  I have a video of it...will post tomorrow.  Here is one of Kelly doing her sideways dance for the girls.  CUTE.  I also got a good video of my Giant Cochins.  They are SOOO cute!  I hatched these two out from eggs Kelly gave me :D 


Anonymous said...

His dance is hilarious!!!! I cannot believe how big everyone has goodness, that happened fast!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Those hawks are not good to see around your chicks. Those things swoop down in the yard here and grab those big ring neck doves and away they go. The other day there was one trying to catch one of the rabbits next door who had got out of it's pen. It kept running it in the bushes. I ran inside and got and shot a couple of firecrackers to scare it off but I never saw the rabbit again. I believe it got it before I could get back to shoot the firecrackers. The video was so cute. Helen

Anonymous said...

I think the hawks found them a dinner!  I hope you can keep them away.

Anonymous said...

Hawks have been known here to grab up small DOGS and fly away with them and kill them. Your chickens are SOOOOO pretty! love you

Anonymous said...

A belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Cory! That is just fantastic...21 We are going to be there soon. We got our twentieth next May. :) Love, Kelly