Here is my paint project I did tuesday. I got the undercoat primer on the outside of the coop and I got the inside FINISHED! OH wait...still have the floor to pain. I have it sealed now only. That will be fast and easy tho. It's ready for chicks as soon as that is done and it airs out :) Whew that is a relief off my mind. I'm going to finish the floor today :)
LOL I just noticed we still have my watermark on my photos...were gong to take it off...just wanted to try it out to see if it worked. I love this new pic site! We still have the main coat to do and the roof underside and two sides up by the roof. That is Stefan's job when he gets home tho...I can't reach it well.
Here are the nesting boxes. I did seal them but I don't think I will paint them inside.
We brought out our first "renter" here is our sweet Barred Rock hen who is four weeks old now. Her name is Olivia....she is a sweet sweet baby girl and she just adores us. She is one of the girls who will come right to me when I reach in their box.
Our new babies a week old now
Here is Kelly with her buddies (cochins) she hatched with
Remember I had to separate poor Kelly...those hens were SO outgrowing her!
We are in the process of making her indoor coop...I will take pics as we go.
Ok that's it for this entry...I am doing another entry with my "Oceans 11 crew" in a bit. They have really gotten huge! They are all 4 weeks old now.
1 comment:
That coop is fantastic, really is nice Carrie. Y'all did a great job on it. That Olivia is checking out the new digs, looks like she was even the first one to christen it with her own ummm...well you know. ;) Nic looks very happy today...what a sweetie he is! I am done mowing, taking me a break and had to come see about those chickies. The are all looking so good. I was looking at Kelly, and I still can't tell for sure yet. I would say if the comb doesnt turn in the next couple of weeks its a girl. Time to go get some more ice water, I am so thirsty! I hope you can get the pictures up of the others today. I would love to see how much they have grown! You are keeping up with your chicks growth much better than I do anymore. It seems like I turn around and they have grown from one minute to the next! XOXO Kelly
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