Here are a few cute pictures! Her Nic is (it's early, he hadn't gotten dressed yet!) with Izzy our nicest chicks. She is in love with us! She is a little Red sex link
Here Nic is again holding her on his arm...I don't know how he can let her hop all over being NAKED! LOL HA I just noticed he had ONE sock on! LOL AND its a dirty one at that! lol He must of found one on the floor and then heard me up and ran out with one sock on and just forgot to look for another one. Instead of putting on clean ones he wants to put on dirty ones because he can get them on himself! LOL the clean ones are shrunk from dryer and it's harder for him.
Here is Aspen coming to check her out...she just laid by us.
Then Izzy decided to go jump on him! I quickly grabbed aspen not knowing what he would do and had Stefan grab the camera!
Ok now it's time to share a video: The dogs decided to join in the action. I tried to shorten it down for you.
Those pictures are so cute. The video was cute also. I believe Max would like to take a paw and touch it. You are lucky that neither animal grabbed it. It was a cure video. My DIL says one of her dogs loves the chicks and runs down to the pen everyday to check on them. Amimals are so funny. Helen
I'm glad you have one chick that loves you all so much and isn't scared. You can tell Nic is eating that up. Thats funny that she jumped on the cat. The dogs look liks they're going crazy. Max listens very well. He's such a cutie. Hope you have a great day. I hope I get to see my grandson today. He's been gone for two weeks.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
The video got into a "loading" loop and didn't want to come out. But I got to enjoy the pics of the One Sock Wonder and his "chic", lol...very cute. -Karen
AWWWWWWWWW You make me want a Chicken now LOL :(
Its adorable!
~ Christopher ~
This is great that you are getting the other animals used to the chickens! Tip does very well with Phoenix. I dont think she even sees him as a chicken. She will eyeball newbies, but never him. She knows better, and will never make direct eye contact with the chicks. My cats were too old to care by the time I had chickens. Phoenix would waltz into the bathroom and eat the cats food and drink the cats water and they would just look indignant, but never bothered him. I am so glad you have chickens, they really do add so much to our lives dont they? :) Loveya, Kelly
THese pics are so, one sock had me giggling! Amazing pic with Izzy on the cat....I don't blame you for stepping in though! Will have to see the video later as I am not home now.
That chicken is so cute....and the dogs don't know what to think! lol i think its cool that Nic gets to learn about this at his age.
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