FIrst of all I want to thank Chrissy for this FABULOUS tag she made for me! It's adorable! I LOVE it! Thanks SOO MUCH!
Here I am going to post the growth difference in my girls:
We first get them:
Only after two days you can see the feathering on the little yellow girls...
One week later...(below)
Here is some feathering before:
And almost a week later. They just grow SO fast! It's like every day I go down there to see something new! Now i'm even seeing feathering on their backs!
Here is his tail feathers today! It didn't look nothing like this a week ago.
Here are my new little girls/guys (not sure yet) and I swear one is a blue cochin...I hope so but we will see when it gets older. These are two babies I hatched out from Kelly
Here is the difference a week makes...the one on the right is a week older...same type of bird...both cochins.
Here is the larger cochins feet feathering coming out already! TOO CUTE I love that about them!
This is a little Red Sex Link and this one is not nearly as friendly as the other Red sex link. But she puts up with me ;)
Well I have LOTS of movie time but I will start out with these two since I have them downloaded already. I will add more!
This video is of Addison and Kelly (the little Serama named after Kelly because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be doing this chicken thing ;) ) Thanks Kel!
They surely are growing and look so cute. I always think they are so cute with those little short tail feathers. I know you are excited about your Dad coming. he is going to love the little chicks. He will probably want to take over the care of them. Helen
it was funny when you touched the big one and it pecked the small one . so funny it is me peyton.
:) Peyton is in love with your chicks!
Y'all have a good one~
OM goodness!! i can not believe how different the chicks are! SO pretty and growing so fast. I am so glad you are taking us on the journey with you because you are teaching me lots of things!
Love ya
The chicks are growing up so fast. They are so cute. I want some now!
I'm so happy that you have brought something to your home to let the older grandparents share with the young ones. Because I know they had to have those things when they were little. Great way to get them busy. I could tell the way your FIL just jumped in and starting digging and stuff he was excited.
Love all the pictures.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
Awww I am honored that you named that baby after me. :) You know, I do keep Phoenix in a large parrot cage, no reason you can't keep the Serama in one. They don't have to have a mate, especially if its a girl, girls prefer NOT to have a mate. Boys, well, if you show them a lot of attention, they don't need a girl to torture. ;) You will be able to tell early on whether its a boy or a girl. Keep an eye on that comb turning red. Yes, it isnt really work, when its a labor of love is it? I really enjoyed seeing all your pictures and video. :) You did such a good job! You are such a good chicken mama! They really are tame with all the handling y'all are doing, that is wonderful! Hugs, Kelly
Loved your peeps. Came over from another Jlander, forgetting who, senior moment strikes again. Just wanted to say Hi and I've got you on my Alerts, now that I know how to do this... -Karen
Awwww ~ they are all so adorable, I just want to hug them!!!!
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