Thursday, June 12, 2008

Got my second batch of chicks a day early! And some sad news!

OH LORD are these girls and guys CUTE!  I am IN LOVE!  BIG TIME lol.   I even love those adorable VERY friendly little red guys that they threw in extra for me.  They are all going to new homes tho on Sat :( I will miss them but I can only keep at the most 23 chickens so I needed to get rid of a few and I was lucky enough to find a nice young man to take them. I am meeting him on my way to my sisters for my nephews graduation party about 1/2 way there.  I am also getting rid of a couple of my girls to make room for my other batch that is coming in.  I'm trying to make my flock perfect 'for me' and I wanted certain breeds and now that I"m learning more I am making adjustments.  So a couple Sex Links are going and a couple others.  I will be taking pics tomorrow of these sweet sweet babies. I am so in love with my Orps!  OH MAN!~  I am loving this chicken business!~  OH I do have some sad news tho! 

The lady that took 10 of my first batch of chicks...well the cochin I sold her died :(  she's not sure why but she went out and it was just dead.  Poor baby...she is very sad and would like another cochin from me.  I could not resist, I'm going to give her one of the babies I hatched out.  It was her favorite one too :( I feel terrible for her. Now I just hope I don't end up giving away my little boy!  I want a boy cochin!  lol Come check for pics tomorrow! 


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're doing something that makes you so happy. What a learning experience for Nic he will remember this the rest of his life. You're a great mommy and thanks for sharing with all of us who would otherwise not get to see that stuff. Have a great weekend.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

You have me really wanting my own chicks now.  Unfortunetly, where I live, we can't have any.  Boo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

How many cochins hatched out that I gave you? I would send you more eggs from them, but they arent laying at all right now. :(. Oh you shouldnt give away those Carrie! They are your babies though, I am not going to be an interfering Grandparent. ;). cant wait to see the pics. :)

Anonymous said...

How sad that one died but you are so nice to give her another one!