Ok so...I ordered 12 more chicks! YES I DID! Am I crazy!? Maybe but I don't think so. Here is what happened...
Remember I ordered 25 chicks (only got 24) a few weeks ago and today they are 2 weeks old plus three days. Plus 4 new babies who are a week old.
Ok so our original chicken coop plan was for a 6x8 so that's why I had to get rid of 10 of my birds...we had only planned on keeping 15-18 chickens...SINCE I had gotten rid of the chicks we decide to go bigger 8x8 foot. Now we can keep 21-23 chickens in there so I am down to 14 chicks and hatched out 4 more babies (only keeping hens and one male) and some of those may be leaving us too. So lets figure I will have 16 total (if two of the babies are males)...now we need 7 more chicks to add to our flock to make it a full house. Hubby says we may as well fill it up and get extra eggs if we built it. I agreed of course :D
SO then I was on the search for eggs through BYC forum to put in the incubator. Well by the time I found the three different breeds I wanted to add the price was going to be 60 - 65 bucks for 20 eggs which are not guarenteed and who knows how many hens I will get...maybe 1/4 of those that survive? IF I have another 50% hatch out that brings my hen total down to 2-3 hens that I will keep. Thats pretty expensive chicks! SO then I called Ideal poultry where I got my last flock from and seen they were out of the breeds I wanted on the website. I call them and told the lady what I wanted and she said ok we have them! YEAH! I then ordered 4 Australorp, 2 buff Orpingtons (these are sexed and guarenteed!) So I KNOW I will have 6 females for sure...then I ordered 6 straight run Mille Fleur D'uccle (which hopefully I will end up with one hen out of the 6) In any case...the total bill came to $42 something! Now to me..I feel eggs should be cheaper? I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. But I will get my baby chicks on FRIDAY already. THAT was another plus...she said she could mail them on Wed already! That means that they won't be much younger then the others in the brooder.
What I thought I would do today is add some adult pictures of all the chickens I ordered so you can see what my flock WILL look like later on. Now some colors may very but it's pretty close to what they will look like. I also have video which I will add tomorrow maybe. We let Izzy out to play with the dogs! CUTE! She would puff up her chest and jump at Max's ear! LOL I missed that part but I got them checking her out. Cubby (my Pomeranian) was totally afraid of her! lol She pecked his nose and cubby didn't like it. Here are the pics:
First we will start with my Salmon Faverolle (I have two girls) Feather footed and pretty shy yet...I'm working on them. These are my only breed that have five toes. (SO FAR) lol
Ameraucana's (I have two) these are the blue egg layers
Buff Brahma's (I have two) these are also feather footed and very sweet.
Cochins (I have four) one is female and not sure of the other three babies I hatched out last week from Kelly. I know one does look like a blue cochin tho :) I hope! Anyway...another feather footed breed (can you tell I like them :)) And these ones are so adorable! And sweet! I pictured a blue pair below the black cochin
Serama (I have one baby named Kelly) She/he is the very first egg to hatch out last week out of the four that hatched. I love her/him! Very sweet and DOES hold her own even though she is tiny. Serama's are the smallest chicken in the world. I had to have one! They weigh anywheres from 400 -750 grams! Yes they do lay eggs you can eat! I can't wait for the first one! IF I have a hen that is.
Silver Laced Wyandotte (I have one) She is also a sweet girl!
Then I have my Sex Links I have 5 total...a Black, 2 Gold, and 2 Brown
Oh I forgot one...a barred rock (I have one) pretty sweet girl too
Now the new ones I ordered today:
6 Mille Fleur D'uccle (Straight Run) which means they are not sexed so I hope to get at least ONE hen out of the bunch.
Here is a Hen:
And a Roo Mille Fleur I may keep a roo because he's SOO cute!
Buff Orpingtons (2 hens)
And last 4 Australorp's In the sun light these guys/girls will have a purple/green sheen and they are just so beautiful! I'm so glad I called when I did! Now I have some.
That's it! This is what my crew will look like when they finally reach maturity. Colors of course may be a little different but not much I'm sure.
This entry has really been a pain in my butt today! I lost it twice and then went to copy it and clicked PASTE instead! UGH! That was three times...now I'm going to quick save it before something happens again</imgstyle="font-family:>
I never realized there were so many different kinds of chicks.
Sorry that you had such a hard time getting the entry in. That can really get on your nerves to loose and have to start all over. Your chicks are going to be so pretty. Thanks for sharing. Helen
OMG, these birds are gorgeous! I am a city girl, country at heart. I want one! I don't think my neighbors will allow it, however. I get to live my country dream through you! -Karen
All wonderful pictures. :) You are going to be a chickenaholic girl! You have such a nice variety going on. You are such a good chicken mama! :) AOL has eaten more entries than I care to think about here. I know I should cut and paste too, but ever since I got DSL, I got lazy cause I dont get cut off like I used to from dial up. I should really still cut and paste though. The americauna you show here is very pretty. Mine are always brown that I have gotten, other than Daisy, she turned out white. Time for me to get started around here. Just wanted to stop in and keep up with whats going on in your chicken world! :) Loveya, Kelly
You are going to have a gorgeous flock! I love the ones with the furry feet, they are so cool. You & Kelly have such fancy chickens...I love my guys (of course) but they are not as exciting as the ones you guys have. Good luck with it all!!!!
OMG, those chickens are GORGEOUS!! I did not know a thing about them before you bought them....they will be gorgeous when they are all grown up!
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