My little Buff Orpingtons (Alexandra & Theodora) They are SO very soft! I love them!
Here is a close up of one of Alexandra. (Don't ask how i know! lol)
Here is one of my Mille Fleur D'uccle's. We got 7...ordered 6 but got one free :)
Here are my two girl Australorps
Here is my boy Australorp (he has the biggest comb)
Now, here are some of my older girls! They are REALLY growing! I didn't get a pic of all of them but here is some.
Here is Kelly....still now sure if she is a she or a he...what do you thinkKelly. NO red yet at all.
Here is second cochin Addison OH She is a doll! SO very nice and she is SO frizzly looking! And has HUGE feathered feet now! SO cute!
Look at her feet! Oh I just want to cuddle her! lol
Ok now on to one of my Brahma (Zoey)...I love them both but this little girl is my fav of the two. She is lighter and just a little more friendly too.
Well that's it for now...will take more of the others later :) Enjoy your week!
Good Sunday morning. :) Great pictures and the new babies are so cute! Buffs were my first chicks ever, and I still love them the best. Its still too soon to tell about the Serama, soon you will be able to tell though. It wont be long. I am looking at it and thinking a girl, but we will see soon. The cochins are just so huggable arent they? Those feet, they are just too cute and fuzzy! Well I better go see about my critters, I got plenty to do while Ian is at work. I got your EGGIES! Going to get them sent off to you tomorrow morning. :) Hugs, Kelly
What pretty new ones!!!
they are growing so fast! They must eat alot! LOL
Enjoy your Sunday.
The pictures are professional and Nick is so good with them. Teach 'em early, eh?
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