Thursday, June 26, 2008

Videos of chicks

Ok here are two videos and I have two more to come...excuse Addison's pooping right in front of the camera! :0  LOL  I just realized you can hear my dad in the background talking to Nic.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to leave you a comment.  I have really enjoyed getting to know your chickens.  Makes me want some. LOL  The ones with the feathers on their feet are so cute.  thanks for sharing.  I haven't commented much lately, but wanted you to know that I have been checking in with you.  Have a great day.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

They're adorable as always.  

Anonymous said...

i am totally into watching these chicks grow up! Loved both videos!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks so happy! I just cant get over the house for them, it is just so deluxe! I love the videos, they are just so sweet. :) Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...

I love the feathers around the feet, they are just so awesome!  Looks like they are wearing those big pants we wore in the 70's, pilasoes or whatever they were called.  great videos, your dad was cute saying the chickens need air.  