Starting with the first set of eggs I got in the mail which were
6 Blue/Black/Splash Orpingtons.
1-6 ALL alive and moving :)
Next set I got in the mail were from Kelly
4 are alive (one may be dead...I did not see any movement but kept it in there...I did seem veins so maybe he was asleep)
2 clear and removed
1 died in egg and removed
1 was clear and removed
1 not sure yet...looks clear but left in there
1 alive and movement
1 Golden Phoenix ALIVE and movement :)
Now the third shipment of eggs I got were fromSerendipity from a forum I visit
8 are alive (one I did not see movement but seen veins) seen movement from the rest
4 were clear and removed
1 movement
1 clear and removed
2 unsure but look clear and one with possible blood ring
SO now I'm down to 24 eggs and had to remove 9. Prob have to remove 3 or 4 more next week. One exciting thing I DID get was movement in the egg...the first part of the video is hard to see but once I cover the light you can see it better...the second one I candled you can see even better. Isn't that awesome!
Here is a pic of the eggs I had to dump :( Only 8 here because one was tossed a few days ago already.
Here WAS the incubator only minus one egg! Now were down even eight more!
Well that's all I have for you today so I hope you are all well and I hope you enjoyed seeing the babies move in the egg today :)
That was awesome to see them moving!
Great video, it was so cool to see them moving around. Now I am really glad I don't eat eggs....awwwww. Thanks for sharing this.
Sometimes some eggs just dont make it. Especially with the mailed ones. Glad to hear so many of the Serama eggs are making it and the Golden Phoenix and Polish. I know you will just love that Silver Laced Polish. Mine are so good natured and so sweet. The candling video was great Carrie! Really cool that you got video of that. :) Hugs, Kelly
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