Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chicks 1st Storm/why we had to go to coop at 12am! candleing results

The chicks had to endure their first thunder storm the night before last!  The next morning I went out there and they freaked out on me.  I can tell they were still a bit shaken up.  Poor things!  I spend about an hour in the morning (before Nic wakes up) with them and then an hour or sometimes it turns into two...after dinner.   They are getting so big...I have to take new pictures of them...they are coming up on 6 weeks old now!  Soon they will look like full blown chickens.  

Last night it got down to almost 40 degrees so at midnight when I looked at the outdoor temps hubby and I rushed out to the chicken coop and hooked up their heat lamp for the first time.  They were all huddled in a corner trying to keep warm...5 were up on the highest roost all scrunched together staying pretty warm as it was warmer up there.  So we got the thermometer out there and it soon reached 69 degrees in there.  I slept better knowing they were warm.  

Still no predators trying to get in that I can tell anyhow.  Not like they would succeed...I have fort knox built! 
They are all healthy as can be so far and they sure do eat alot! lol  I can't wait to start letting them out to forage.  We will be starting on the fence very soon as they only have to stay in their coop for two weeks before we will let them out into their run.  If we keep them in for two weeks they will then know where they have to go to go to bed at night and will do it on their own at dusk.  So this makes four days they have been in there.  I can tell they are REALLY anxious to get out and have a look around tho.  They all hang by the little chicken door begging for it to be opened lol.

We had to candle some eggs 6 orp eggs we candled on the 28th of June (their 7th day of incubation) and we candled the eggs from Kelly the day before are the results of that on day 7 of incubation:

6 Orps:  
         2 possible clear ones but left
         4 alive and one was moving already :)

Kelly's eggs:

7 Serama:
         1 clear had to be thrown out :(
         1 possible clear one but left it in.
         5 seen veins for sure!  They are fine

3 Polish:
         2 possible clear :( left them for now.
         1 saw clear veins for sure :)

1 Golden Phoenix
         1 Saw LOTS of veining :)

Tomorrow I will be candling the Sumatra eggs and more polish eggs (on THIER day 7 of incubation!) ...will post those results tomorrow. YES, I have three different  hatch days going on here lol.  On July 1st I candle MORE eggs on day 14 of incubation.  I'm going to try to take a video of the movements in a candled egg to see how it turns out. I SO want you guys to see this. It's so cool.  I tried taking pics of the candling results but it didn't work :( Tomorrow I will try the video.

Here is another video of my girls...hope I didn't share this one with you already...if I did, my apologies!


Anonymous said...

They do love those I know mine will try a hole or two also. Wow. I can't believe you get down to 40 degrees and its almost July. We are lucky to get into the lower 60s now. I am surprised about the Polish not all being fertile that I sent you. He mates her regularly, but not too much like those rotten Sultan boys on thier girls. I am going to keep hoping they are fertile. There are more where that came from and maybe I can get you a few more of the Golden Phoenix too. Coco (the polish) isnt laying regular now as it is getting so hot so nobody is laying regular now, but when it starts to cool off some in September and October she will lay better I imagine. That is when I will hatch more from her. I woke up with a bad headache this morning, so I am late getting outside and doing chores, but I will get you some pics of stuff and show you how to make that grow pen. One cup of coffee down, many more to go. :) Have a good Sunday. Love, Kelly

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling good now.  I got my fix for the chicks.  I really miss them if I don't see pictures of them everyday.

Anonymous said...

Awww, this is delightful.  I love Nic's commentary as well...too cute.  It is funny how they go after your crocs. dogs barked through the entire video!  I bet they thought, oh no what does she have now??  LOL