Saturday, May 3, 2008

A bit of information/Cafo's

Today I am taping the brooder box around the edges with duct tape and then the brooder box will be totally ready for them.  

Ok, Cory is getting a bit worried....he had a talk with the neighbor guy down the road who USED to have chickens and this guy told Cory that he got rid of his chickens because they smelled so bad.  Now hundreds of people on the forum I have been on says the complete opposite UNLESS they are raising meat chicken.  You have to feed meat chicken A LOT more food so I'm sure they poop more because of that.  KELLY???  Do YOUR chickens stink so bad you can't stand them? I believe you told me no to that one before when I asked right?
I know you have LOTS of um so you would know.  Put hubby's feeling at ease here will ya ;)

Me...I'm not worried because I plan on keep them cleaned out so I KNOW they aren't going to stink as bad as this guy is saying.  I mean I spend HOURS learning about how to care for their coop.  I got it down! I know what it entails. I'm ready..I'm prepared :)   I just have to practice it now ;) 
Were planning on making the coop very easy to clean/rake and I will just have to rake out the bottom floor stuff and throw it in compost as often as I see fit...that will come after I experience it. I will know what I can tolerate.
Wash it down with a very diluted bleach solution/wash the walls once a year. 

Some people even use "deep litter method" which is only cleaning the coop once a YEAR and they swear it doesn't stink.  I don't know if I can go a year to clean it out lol but I may see how it goes and just leave it as much as I can stand.  There is a lot more to this method then just leaving it have to turn the straw ever day and add more, make sure it stays dry, add a drying agent which for me will be DE (a natural organic miracle dust) so natural WE could eat it...and some do for health and cleansing of the colon. 

OK...........hear me out on this.  It's VERY important. FYI...there is NO blood in this video.

Sorry some of you couldn't watch this video...I think it's almost a must to watch to get people to stop buying meats from the grocery stores.   When we buy from the store, we are all to fault for so many of these babied dying like they do.  I know after our freezer stock we will NOT buy our meat from the store but from a farmer who respects his animals.  I didn't want to watch that either but I thought IF I do it will help me to FOR SURE stick to my plans (to buy only grass fed/free range animals from local farmers). Instead of putting our money in the hands of these factories, lets give it to our local farmers. 

OH have I watched some awful video!  I made myself watch each and every one, crying my eyes out!  We all have a responsibility to know how our food is raised and MOST importantly what were feeding our children.  I know it's better not knowing, but think of what these animals have to go through each and every day because were funding it? 

I know I'm going off on a soap box now...but seriously folks just TRY to watch this so your aware...better yet google the work "Cafo" <----I added a good link to start ya gory video only good read :)... just read up on it...see how your beef is raised for our consumption.  READ "The Omnivore's Dilemma" These huge Cafo's are running our little farms out of business!  And THEY have the  healthy meats! Here is another link----->ground water

Our cattle are being fed BRILLO PADS to help them digest the corn  and other dead cows fed back to them, that is NOT natural food for a cow.  I mean your eyes would bulge out if you knew exactly how our food is handled before being put on the copping block~!
The government says that in order to be able to send your cows to slaughter they have to be able to stand for so many seconds on their own...these operations employees will stand by those very sick cows and shock them to make them stand.  SO very sad!  I watched a few of those video too!  Were eating these! 

OK I'm done...I have A LOT more facts to share about all that that would blow your mind but I will let you guys do a search onit and check it out.  It's our brave ;)  Watch the videos.  

By the way...Jamie Oliver IS an animal rights activist and is trying to help us learn from facts with this video I have posted. The one who posted the video I think believed that he was doing harm to them...he is just trying to make us aware of what it happening and that we NEED to be aware. 

OK FOLKS...only 20 more days :))))  SORRY I got so Soap boxy but I know I am happy I learned about this stuff it is really getting to me...It scares me to know what I have been eating and worse yet...what I fed my children!  I'm trying to pass on the info so you guys are aware too. I just think it's SO important!  TRUST won't be sorry you did a little research on this!

I'm going to continue to add the Did you Knows in here because I'm learning WITH you :) And it makes me search for answers ;)

DID YOU KNOW: A hen lives and average of 5-7 years, but can live up to 20 years! She'll lay eggs her entire life, with production decreasing every year from year one.

Read up on those and let me know what you think...neither link has gory videos just FYI ;)


Anonymous said...

I almost went to the feed store here in town to buy a few peeps this week.  They also had ducks, my swimming pool is so green right now I've been thinking it might make a better pond now that the kids are grown.  :)  If I had bought the peep for Tommy he would love it but then the dogs might get it.  
I am just an animal lover.  

I take a cancer pill everyday to remove the hormones from my body we get from our foods.  My breast cancer was hormones...I have NO breast cancer in my family either.  That is why I am so excited we have a new organic market 2 miles down the road.  They are high price but healthier by far than driving another 4 miles to Walmart.


Anonymous said...

You are not going to have stinky chickens, because chickens don't stink. Their poo does though, and you already said you would be cleaning them regularly. That guy probably didnt do the work so he had a stinky yard. Besides, you arent even going to have that many chickens. I have over a hundred and thirty counting the ones I am hatching. I have about fourty of those in my house right now in brooders. My nose is so sensitive, I dont like stinky things of any kind. I clean them out once a week and its fine. Dont even worry about it. On the videos, I dont have to go look, I have done what you did. I saw horrors that you wouldnt believe. Ian asked me why I did that to myself. I said I dont know, it just makes me feel helpless and hate mankind. :(

Anonymous said...

One more thing, I found that packing tape, the wide kind, works better on the cardboard boxes. Seems to stick better.