They are the cutest sweetest things tho! I don't even mind the work. I have to clean their water twice a day because the crazy fuzz butts go hog wild and kick dust in the water....then I stir up their bedding every morning and add some fresh pine shavings. They LOVE that. They are already starting to take dust baths and it's SO adorable.
I already saved three chicks that would have died had I not done what I done :) one needed to be forced watered and the other two had pasty butt so bad they could no longer go potty, that makes me feel pretty happy that I knew enough to help them...thank you BYC! I read a LOT of chicken forum and thank god I did! :)
Now as they grow it will get increasingly harder to get rid of pasty butt and there will be other issues I run into but I will adjust to them and I will do what needs to be done to save them.
Today I noticed they are establishing their pecking order already. I can tell which one is boss already. I hope it's not the male as It's my favorite one and she/he is beautiful! We are handling them all day (ever few hours) every day so they are getting used to human attention and we had one sitting on the dogs head! I have to share that picture here in a bit. I'm holding Max's mouth not because I'm worried he will eat him but to hold his head steady lol.
Another thing...we threw a worm in there and they had a field day with that! BIG TIME. Kelly, it SO reminded me of yours with that mouse! lol I will take a video of it tomorrow when we throw another in there for them. They were chasing each other and on the run until one of them ate it lol. TOO CUTE! I swear everyone NEEDS chickens! They are so much fun and so calming to watch! Oh and just to watch them sleep! It's so cute! Some stretch out with their legs flat behind them and some lay on their backs.
Well the chicken coop is getting shingles today...the boys spent the night out there last night and had their tv and computer out there. They loved it! LOL We will be ready to pain very soon. Tomorrow a window goes in. I have pictures of that too...I will start sharing the pics not and shut up about my babies! Kelly I can see now why chickens are ADDICTING! I need another house for NEW chicks! LOL
All but the right one (she was picking on her x pasty butt) were sleeping face down in the pine shavings.
A red star sitting on my cell phone.
That same red star on Max's head. I'm holding his head steady so the bird doesn't fall.
Again Sitting on Max. I LOVE this picture. Were working on training Max to be gentle and stay calm around the chicks. Every day we set the chicks on top of him in a different place.
This is Nala our "boss" chicken. This is the one I HOPE is not a male.
This is the one I'm pretty sure is the Red Shoulder Yokohama (below)
The door to our coop. It works wonderfully! And there is NO way anything but human can open it. We will do pretty much the same for the chicken door. I don't want the smart coons coming in and opening the chicken door while were sleeping!
The boys are camped out inside the chicken coop (Stefan and Trevor) That's an air mattress in the corner there. lol
The guys were finishing up the roof when it started pouring rain. They come running for cover! Trevor lost his shoe on the way.
Check out Stefan's umbrella!
Wet backs...funny they both are wearing their wrestling shirts lol. They got to different schools.
Notice hubby is a little more wet and the boys are laughing at him. Readhis shirt! LOL
That's all the pictures but I do have video which I will post tomorrow. Hope you all have a great day :)
I just asked Kevin if we have an ordinance stating no chickens in our borough. He told me no way. We have our hands full with 2 dogs and 2 cats! LOL
they are so cute!! good for you learning all you need to so that they will survive; even on the proper cleaning of them after they take care of their chicken business, LOL
I was almost thinking "geesh, we need some chickens" and then I remembered Koda; there's no way he would share his time/space with birds, but it was a nice idea for a minute or two!
what a wonderful family project for you and your family too!
They are so cute. Especially Max. I am surprised he will let them sit on him. Our Patches would never let one do that. She is a squirrel dog and anthing that gets in her path gets chased. Now Daisy might let one do that. Helen
Loved all the pictures... Max is so gentle I love it. Hope you all get to finish the roof before more rain. Have a great weekend.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
That boss chick is the Americauna chick! I recognize those cheeks anywhere. :) Yeah that pasty butt happens, but it shouldnt keep happening as they are older. They are all just adorable. :) They are very addictive arent they. I knew you would love having them. Yours are going to be super tame with all that love and devotion. :) Going to read on down now and catch up. Hope it doesnt rain and the roof can get done. Hugs, Kelly
Your having too much fun with your chicks!! I am jealous again. HeHe
We're still cleaning the pool, it is hard but worth all the work can't wait to get it fulled back up and blue. I hope to have some pics up today.
I worked yesterday under the banana trees, I must have 50 babies this year!! 6 years again I planted 4. The kids want some for their yard so I am dividing them up.
Ya'll have a great Memorial Day!!
I love the pics of the dog with the little chick, how cute!! I've put you on alert now so I won't miss anything. You've got me hooked ;) I am going through your entries to get caught up.
I am learning alot about chicks from you...pasty butt! Poor things. Thank goodness you are so good as a chick mama!
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