Here is where we left off with the four working on it:
Here are the things that my FIL got done alone:
Some paneling up...
Light switch box and walls insulated...
And the ceiling started....
The electrical box outside started...
The roosts finished...although living in WI I think I will have hubby turn those flat so the chickens can keep their little feet warm in winter.
Insulation is totally done now! The light was done yesterday and I did take a pictures just can't find it. It vanished.
Six nesting boxes are done :) Not IN but made. They will most likely go in this weekend when he has help lifting them.
Look the top opens so I can easily get the eggs out :)
here you can see the hinges. We used the sizes that everyone on BYC (backyardchickens forum) hasbeen using.
Watch for more at the end of the weekend :)
NOW on to candling...I did candle again...could NOT get a good picture at all! We need a tripod so there is no movement. I did try tho! We had to dump one clear egg as I could clearly see this time that it was indeed clear. Maybe not fertile at all?
Kelly, it was one of the ones marked with cochin ? on it. The others look like they are alive but again...will see more on my last candle...I am questionable on the Silver phoenix this candle...last candle he was just moving around like crazy but this one he was more still...I thought I may have seen him move a little but wasn't sure. No blood ring so I kept him in there for now. The air sacs looked really large so I upped the humidity a bit. Not past 55% but I am going to cover some surface area so it goes down to 50 % today. I just read that, prior to hatching the air sac will become larger and occupy 20-30 % of the egg which is the case here...the eggs have a week to go...the Serama's even less then that so that may be pretty normal now that I read that. I'm hoping that the Serama's make it and at least 2 of the giant cochins and the silver phoenix too! I did see the Serama's moving and a couple of the cochins...I could not see well in the dark eggs at all this time. Could see pretty good last time tho. Maybe because of the dark chicks filling the eggs? I do see what looks like larger chicks in there curled around the egg. But didn't see much movement from them.
Well, that's it for now..hope you all have a great weekend. Mine will be chick filled! Watch for video tomorrow of my babies! Or there is a SLIGHT chance they will be delivered today ;) I hope so! It's cold out there today...hope it'swarmer where they are! I called the post office again to remind them...he remembered and has my phone number handy :) They did not get their yet so prob tomorrow. He said they always come in the morning.
Good morning Carrie. :) Yes, you wont be able to see into the cochin eggs anymore as they grow into their egg. Sometimes they dont move as much...just relax, they are going to be fine. The golden phoenix hen at my house is sitting on five eggs...I think I will take them from her though and put them in the bator once they are started. I think I am going to end up selling some of the chicks I am hatching...I think I am going to have too many is too many again? LOL! That coop is awesome. You went all out for sure. Amazing. If I had all that help I would have something like that too. Just wonderful that you have the help. Those chickens are going to be so comfortable! Next you will be putting a window unit a/c in there for them for the (Yes, I am only half joking, cause you might just do it! LOL) Hugs, Kelly
Your chicken house is looking good. I think they probably put those roost upside so the chicks could have something to clamp their feet around to hold onto sorta like a tree branch. Great house to be warmer in the winter. Helen
The chicken coop looks great. Can I borrow your FIL? LOL Enjoy your day.
The pen does look awesome! I had to chuckle at Kelly's reference to you putting ac in there...(Hugs) Indigo
now question... what kind of chickens is this Egg chickens or :( Eating?
I dont think you ever specified what your plans were with them lol or I missed it
~ Christopher ~
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