OH Kelly those Serama eggs are just totally ADORABLE! I just wanted to look at them a while! lol THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for sending them to me. This will keep my mind busy until my chicks come. Watch for hatching to come in 21 days! I set a total of 9 eggs today.
Oh kelly...by the way, the hovabator is set to 100 degrees but I am just saying 99 cuz that is what the thermometer from walmart is saying...just so I can keep track on paper if the temp is dropping or raising any. They said in the hovabator directions that the thermostat is pretty accurate and will stay at 100 so before adjusting it I should leave it and see how the hatch goes. So I'm pretty sure that the temp is at 100. Lets hope they all hatch now ;) I know that sending them sometimes lessons the hatch rate but I hope to at least hatch out 1/2 of them! I hope to at least get the 2 giant cochins and the 2 Serama's and the phoenix! That would be great!
Kelly has also agreed to let me name one of my birds after her ;) Thanks Kelly! I may change my mind and name a Serama after you...will have to see their personalities first. Oh I can't wait!
So of course I took pictures of my eggs lol So check them out below ;) Check out the little white eggs compared to the brown cochin eggs! How cute! Kelly, the egg at the bottom picture is the one I was talking about looking cracked a bit.
How exciting!
Glad they got there without any breaking. Helen
wow thats exciting!!!!
~ Christopher ~
Good morning Carrie! I got a couple from the cochins like what you are talking about. I dont think its a crack, its a crease of some sort that was made while the egg was forming I think. I have one in the incubator like that now, so we will see if it affects the hatching. I hope not. So glad you got the eggs alright, and if you think those eggs are small, you should see the Bs eggs, and Rubys eggs are even tinier. I am not pairing Ruby with any guys yet though, she is just now laying. I hope every one of those hatches. :) Hugs, Kelly
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