Here is the first pip I noticed yesterday afternoon it's to the left side of the egg kind of to the middle: Temps at 99.5 and humidity is at 65%
My camera sucks at close ups but here you can kind of see the double pip...he broke it right above the old pip:
Then I noticed another pip from the cochin egg! Look way to the left in the middle
Then HE did a double pip...or wider I should say
Then I could not stay up any later so I went off to bed and quess what I seen when I woke up?? And empty egg shell! And then I seen the baby Serama laying down resting! BUT breathing to my relief!
No difference in the cochin egg yet...prob soon! I may be able to record it!
Do you think I will have to move my bator!?
I wonder if your cat thinks the incubator looks like a litter box?! LOL ~~Kath~~
They can hear those pips. Might have to move it or remove the cats LOL. Helen
The babies are cute! I think the cats think it's dinner time! LOL
How sweet, I missed our hatch on Mother's Day too...saw it starting and by the time I got back he/she was out and mama didn't let me near them!! Your cats are thinking they are for them. Cute picture with the cats looking in.
Good afternoon Carrie! It was good to hear your voice on the phone yesterday. :) I see the little Serama came out on its own. So happy about that. Those cochin babies, they will pip, then sit there for hours...then all of the sudden they have snuck out of that egg! I have yet to see the transition from the pip to them getting out. They are fast! I would say that the incubator has become "Cat TV". ;) Happy hatching...I still have a few days before anymore of mine hatch. Kelly
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