Friday, May 23, 2008

Video of my chicks

Why didn't I have chickens years ago??  They are the cutest things ever! 

Here they are in their tiny box right after we got them home from the post office


Anonymous said...

They sound so sweet. I used to raise them from babies like this until they started laying then they were transferred to a laying house. I enjoyed working with them. From 22,000-25,000 at one time. I also had yard chickens hatched under their mother, she took care of those except for me keeping feed and water nearby. All those days are behind me now. Helen

Anonymous said...

Now I want chickens..........................

Anonymous said...

HOW is that even legal / humane? to be put on a 100 degree truck with stuff stacked on top of you and they all made it :(

unless its a Special USPS thing they have to get them there :\

There so cute though!!!!!!

~ Christopher

Anonymous said...

wow, lots of noise! They are so cute!