They came in a much tinier box then I ever expected! It was not much bigger then a sheet of paper! LOL I thought to myself "man they must have forgot some"!~ But nope, 25 were happily squirming around in the box. Here is a picture of the box with the chicks still in it:
The were noisy little things that's for sure! I have a video. I will share it in a separate entry soon.
I carried them home on my lap of course...they were chirping pretty good in the PO but boy once we got them out in the cold wind they really let out some chirps!
This little black girl has ate, drank, and now she's hunkered down for a little shut eye although she keep getting trampled upon from the little other energetic chicks. So far everyone is being good...except we have one little yellow girl who seems to like to pick a little on the other ones...if that keeps up I will put her in solitaire confinement for a while.
We decided to let Max explore the babies: He was VERY interested!
He went from one side of the box:
To the other! LOL
He just could not reach them no matter where he was! Then we heard a loud MEOW and look what I seen:
So we decided to put the cover on and let Jack in to see what all the tweeting was about. Max kept nudging him with his head as if to say "YOU FIRST"
Then we let the little babies sleep a while. Most were trying to hunker down for a some shut eye. One little baby doesn't seem to be doing so well. She is in a corner all by herself and keeps lifting her head up like there is something stuck in her throat. i didn't see anything and I checked her butt...all looks fine. We will see how she does. We possibly may lose one :(
Ok I want to get this entry out so I will add a fresh entry withvideo :) Watch for that after I download them.
Those chicks are ADORABLE!! I love the pics....i know your other animals are thinking "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?!".
CONGRATS!!! They are adorable. I remember the first time I heard chicks in the post office I had no clue they actually MAILED them to people. We use to have them come to the feed store by train. I know I live in an antique town.
Loved all the pictures. Hope you guys have a great weekend. Look forward to more pictures and I'll have to remember to bring Kyan to visit so he can see too.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
Good morning Carrie! They all look so beautiful! I am so glad they are finally at home withy'all. Max has that same look that Tip has, its like Dog TV for them. ;) The cat seems even more enthusiastic, but cats are that way. You dipped everyones beaks in the water when they got in right. I am just asking, but I know you probably did. I hope that one will be alright. I did lose one also when I had a batch shipped. It was weak from the getgo though. They should have never shipped it. It was a Sultan. Don't worry about the pecking to much. I have some newborns that want to pull on others beaks for some reason and I will just seperate the offender for a few hours and then put it back and watch. Usually once they settle in and find the food everything is alright. More pictures okay? :) I got to get ready to go out of town tomorrow, so I wont be able to see whats going on til Sunday. I am so happy for you! You finally got your babies! Enjoy every one of them. :) Hugs, Kelly
Hi Carrie, your new babies are so cute. I like the look on Max's face, so cute. On the little one try setting it near a saucer or small container, take some feed and keep sifting it before its eyes into the container. It may not know how to eat. I have had to do this before and watched my grandmother do that a lot of times to get one to eat. Also keep dipping it's bill into water. Not enough to get it strangled but allow it time to swallow. Hope they will all be ok. Helen
The babies are adorable! I sure hope you don't lose one. Max and the cat are so funny!
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