Monday, May 19, 2008

Candled all the eggs

  I finally got to candle all my eggs over the weekend...It was just totally amazing!  Seeing those babies move around in there!  All are alive I is questionable. I'm leaving it and will look at it on day 14 again.  It's a dark brown so it's so hard to see. 

I have lots of pictures to share on the coop...we started it and it's looking really good.  I will post as soon as I can fix my sister wanted me to download pictures for her and her card had 500 photos on it so it screwed up my iphoto somehow.  Watch for pics later today ;-)


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Cool I wish there was some way you could have shared a candle pic with us. I've never seen that before.
Take care, Chrissie