I have some pictures to share that I took today with all our supplies and the spot where the coop will go:
All the little hardware we need to get started are inside the garbage containers...and the two garbage containers are for their food and cracked corn so I can keep them fresh. Nic wanted in on every picture! lol He's such a cutie.
Out in our pole shed we have our wood materials...2x6, 2x4, 2x2, plywood, plexiglass.
On the other side of the pole shed we have the straw we purchased last week for 2 bucks a bail.
This is the future home of our chicken coop :) (below) Grandpa is leveling it as I type...I will add more pictures later today of that when its all done.
I did get a few shots as he started though:
This is the trail Nic takes to grandmas when he goes ;) It leads to their house.
The coop will be in between two apple trees...they should love it!
My FIL sure is doing a lot of work for us to get this project started! They will be supplied in a never ending supply of eggs and home made bread (I make it daily) from us that's for sure!
From my balcony I will have full view of my chicken house and be able to watch out for predators and if need be can SHOOT them if they try to harm my chickens.
This is just some of the area the chickens will get to forage in. This is our alfalfa field that we are going to let go this year to recover.
Friday I will be posting my results of the candling! I sure hope they are all ok! I just pray I don't drop them when candling! People have done it before and I guess it's easy to do if your not careful. I would candle today but my sister is coming to stay the weekend and she will be here tomorrow so I'm waiting so she can see it too :)
Great pictures. It looks like a good spot to build the coop. Good luck on building it and on candeling the eggs, Helen
Looks like a great area for the coop.
You have beautiful land and everything! You never talk about living out in the country!!!!! So I didnt know til I asked you how many acres you were on. Girl, y'all are COUNTRY! COOL COOL COOL. ;)
I love your place Carrie. I wish I was able financially by myself to get a place like that for my grandson to grow up on. So nice that the grandparents live so close I love that. I think Grandpa is excited about the chickens too.
Take care, Chrissie
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